A new sport for everyone
- Inclusive – mixed gender, age and ability
- Safe – no contact
- Fast, fun, simple
- Set up in under five minutes
- Excellent HIT aerobic workout
- Follows School Curriculum targets

The Game
Volfsball is a three aside sport, played on a circular pitch. Each match is made up of three thirds, each lasting three minutes. So it can be played with six to eighteen people.
It’s simple to play. You score points by hitting the prism or throwing the ball through the hoop. It’s non-contact and the offence and defence are only allowed in their respective circles.
Like Netball, players are not allowed to run with the ball, and when possession changes both teams swap areas.
Click the button below to watch the rules video.

The Volfsball Stand & Kit
Retails at £1,000
1 x Five-legged foot
1 x Aluminium spindle
1 x Bottom section prism
1 x Top section prism
1 x Hoop
5 x Heavy duty ground pegs
1 x Rubber mallet
1 x Peg puller
1 x Eight metre measuring string
1 x Size 3 Volfsball
1 x Flip over scoreboard
Additional items may be
purchased as follows:
Spray can marker paint £6 per can
Contact for sales: